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What your Free Google Ads Audit includes:

Google Ads Audit

Google ads are a great instrument to get traffic, build up leads, and improve sales. Nevertheless, if not well managed, your Google Ads account will be a mess and ineffective. It’s like trying to push the right button on a control panel that has 500 buttons. Consequently, a periodic audit of your Google Ads account is necessary to uncover areas for development and boost performance.

What is a Google ads audit?

A Google Ads audit is a systematic evaluation of your Google Ads account to find the points that need improvement. It encompasses the review of your account structure, campaign settings, keywords, ad copy, and performance metrics. The purpose is to explore methods of getting better outcomes from your account.

What Is Performed During a Google Ads Audit?

The main purpose of conducting a Google Ads audit is to refine the overall performance of your account. If the outcomes of your campaigns do not align with your goals and requirements, you can get an audit to pinpoint the problems and the required actions to overcome them. It is a chance for you to refine your ad strategy, increase the visibility of ads, and optimize ROI.
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The Google Ads Audit Procedure

Step 1: Define Your Goals

All the advertising campaigns that are proven so far should have well-defined objectives. Before you start auditing your Google Ads account, ask yourself: What do I expect to achieve? Or perhaps, do you want to increase conversions or cut your Cost Per Acquisition (CPA). Defining what success looks like for your business is critical.

Step 2: Review Trends Performance

Performance trend analysis is vital for the audit. Look at the way that your performance has been transformed in a certain period. This will show you what is working and what is not.

Step 3: Account Organization

A well-structured Google Ads account is usually easier to manage and can quite often achieve better results. While auditing, control your account arrangement. Are your campaigns logically segmented? Are your ad groups and keywords in the right categories, you know?

Step 4: Check Basics

This requires looking at basic elements including spelling and grammar in your ads, conversion tracking, and keywords as well as negative keywords.

Step 5: Analyze the key figure

Key metrics summarize your account performance. Look at metrics important for your business, for instance, Return on Ads Spend (ROAS), conversion volume, and Cost per Action (CPA).

Step 6: Review Vain Metrics

Metrics like Click-Through Rate (CTR), Cost-per-Click (CPC), impression share, etc can provide a deeper understanding of your account performance. These should not be your primary focus however the review of these metrics can help you understand the overall health of your account.

Step 7: Look At Your Ads

Analysis of your ads is thus an integral part of the Google Ads audit. Review your ad text for relevance and efficacy. Is your ad enticing enough to get clicks? Are they aligned with the keyword and landing page?

Bonus Step: Visit the extra stuff

This concerns identifying and removing extra elements which might not be contributory to your campaign achievement, however, are helpful for account sanitation. Among these, extensions, bid adjustments, targeting settings and ad types are included.

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