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Introductory Google Ads Questions

You will receive an access request from me later on, you will need to accept via email or the Google Ads account. Create an account tagmanager.google.com
(If yes, please delegate access to tracking@tenleemedia.com)
Create an account analytics.google.com
(If yes, please delegate access to service@tenleemedia.com)
(If yes, please delegate access to tracking@tenleemedia.com)
This doesn’t have to be a list for every single product you have, rather based on categories would be enough, just so I know what your break-even point is?
If so please share with service@tenleemedia.com
(please provide specific links to your site if you have landing pages you want to use, if not, just say "to my website")
If so please delegate that access to service@tenleemedia.com or leave the login info below