


What they wanted:

Since Enerclix is not just a SAAS company, but also a super targeted one with a relatively small market of potential customers, getting in front of the right audience was no easy task for them. They wanted to not only promote their business to onboard new energy brokers under their umbrella, but also to promote their energy broker platform to new users within their market.

Who they are:

Enerclix is a pioneering SaaS platform tailored for energy brokers, providing cutting-edge tools to streamline energy procurement processes. Designed with the needs of energy brokers in mind, Enerclix offers comprehensive solutions for energy sourcing, contract management, and data analytics. Empowering brokers to efficiently navigate the complexities of the energy market, Enerclix enhances operational efficiency and enables informed decision-making, ultimately driving success in energy procurement strategies.

Key Opportunities

What we did:

When it comes to SAAS and B2B single-keyword-ad-groups (SKAG) with hyper strict targeting is more important than ever. We started with a very deep dive into the types of search terms/keywords potential clients would be using to find a business like this, and since there were so few it was no easy task. We ended up with a small collection of keywords and built out our SKAG campaign. Through constant optimization, over the first few weeks especially, we landed on a campaign that began to produce a steady stream of leads each week, resulting in an expansion of the business. We have been doing so consistently for this client since the beginning of 2018.
Our Work


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