Safe Rides


Safe Rides is a non-profit that aims to minimize drunk driving through deals on party buses, stretch limos and SUVs. They’re having trouble maximizing revenue on a Google Ad Grant they had received, which led to a decline in sales.


We’ve completely revamped the Google Ads Campaigns and added remarketing Facebook Ads and E-mail marketing into their digital marketing mix. All of this was done under strict Google guidelines as they were the sponsor for the Google Ad Grants for this non-profit. 

The newest challenge arrived post COVID-19 quarantine and business closures. To combat this issue, we created new Facebook campaigns and a series of short commercial videos to be displayed as Youtube ads as well, aiming to generate E-mail opt-ins with the goal of maximizing future bookings. 


  • 3671 Leads
  • 382,000 people reached
  • .73 cents per lead

All in the first 3 months. 

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