Digital Marketing Trends to Help You Stand Out

Digital Marketing Trends

Times are tough, and we’re all trying to figure out how to make content stand out above the rest. We all want our articles to be seen, our social media presence to grow, and our customer base to expand – but how? Here at Tenlee Media, our answer is always digital marketing – but here are some specific tips to boost awareness and make your business stand out from the competition.


To stand out from the rest, you should personalize your marketing. It is relatively easy to make it so your email addresses the specific recipient’s name. This will immediately make the email feel more personal, and encourage this person to read on to see what you have to offer. 

You can also create different emails for different inquiries if you are having potential customers fill out a contact form. If you have a home services business for example, you can create a different series of emails for each service requested. You can include testimonials, images, and share your business’ expertise and experience with this specific service. Potential customers will appreciate getting the extra information, so they know they can trust you with this work.


Video marketing

Youtube isn’t just for figuring out how to tie a tie correctly or do your make-up for a special event. YouTube reports that users watch 1 billion hours worth of videos every day. Videos are one of the most popular ways that customers like to learn about products, because they are engaging and visually stimulating. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Reddit all support video content, and many are transitioning to become “video first” platforms. Marketers that learn the skills behind creating engaging videos for their business will have a leg up over their competitors.


Sometimes digital marketing can become frustrating, and you feel as though you have exhausted all of your ideas. Partnering with someone new can make things feel fresh again, and expose you to a new audience. There are various advantages that partnering up with another brand or company offers, such as cross-promotions, social mentions, and exposure to a new customer base. Reach out to companies and brands you admire (whether that be local businesses or well-known brands) and genuinely express your appreciation for their work and explain why you believe this would be an enriching partnership for both parties. Even the smallest of partnerships can make a big difference. During this time, we need to stick together and help each other out.

Messaging Apps

Social messaging apps have been steadily on the rise. Whatsapp alone has 1.5 billion monthly active users, and Facebook Messenger has 1.3 billion. It makes sense that your business would want to take advantage of these platforms. It is useful to have a direct connection to your customers, that is unchallenging for them to find and use. This will make receiving inquiries and exchanging information even easier, so you can close on a potential sale or job. Make sure you check your messages regularly, as customers tend to get impatient and will move on if you don’t respond within a reasonable time. 

Get out and use these tips, and let us know how it goes! We are always here to help guide you through and new digital marketing strategies you would like to try. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!